Hello! I'm Aaron Jacklin, and this is The Art of Explaining Crime, an independent newsletter that helps you think and write about crime.
Published Tuesdays and Thursdays, Five Studies About is a free tip sheet where I curate recent crime and justice studies related to one topic. Today’s topic is relationships.
These new crime studies related to relationships were recently published by journals I monitor:
1. “It’s Not You, It’s Me”: Examining the Role of Conflicted Relationships, Mental Illness, and Intimate Partner Violence [Deviant Behavior]
2. Community sports as a conduit for police–youth relationships: a scoping review [Policing: An International Journal]
3. Work–Life Conflict Among Correctional Officers: A Narrative Review [Criminal Justice Review]
4. Love's Paradox: Unraveling the Dynamics of Love and Psychological Intimate Partner Violence Against Women [Violence Against Women]
5. Disparity Between Punitive Attitudes Toward Stranger Rape and Partner Rape: Evidence From Cross-National Survey Data [Journal of Interpersonal Violence]
I might cover some of these studies further in The Practice of Understanding Crime, my other Substack. If any sound interesting or important, let me know in the comments.
Five Studies About and Crime Research Update are the output of my research discovery system.